330 Western Boulevard, Summer Towers, Tamuning Guam, 96913
330 Western Boulevard, Summer Towers, Tamuning Guam, 96913
CTD’s latest real estate endeavor is Summer Towers comprised of four luxurious towers (11, 12, and 13 stories) housing 196 three and four-bedroom units ranging in size from 1200+ square feet to 1700+ square feet, all with oceanfront views. Amenities include a swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis courts, barbecue, and picnic areas, play areas for children, a state-of-the-art fitness center, an elegant community center, underground parking, and secured entry. The property is equidistant from Guam Premier Outlets and Ross, KMart, Agana Shopping Center, Micronesia Mall, US Naval Station, and Anderson Air Force Base and hospital, all being approximately 10 minutes by vehicle. About 50% of the residents are military. The property is professionally maintained to create a lifestyle and sense of community like no other project in Guam.
See more information, photos, and videos at summertowers.com!
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Starting at $3,150
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Starting at $2,800
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$900 / Per Month
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